Market Recaps

Market Recap 20th July

How is our economy supposed to survive a second wave, when the impacts of the first one are still surging? The unemployment rate escalated to an unfortunate high at 7.4%, the highest it has been in over two decades. Gear up, for experts say 95,000 NSW jobs could be hit by a second lockdown.

Market Recap 29th June

IMF forecasts economic circumstances to be worse than post WW2 The IMF has revised their predictions to argue that the global recession will be deeper and the recovery will take longer than initially anticipated. Advanced economies are going to experience a contraction of around 8% and emerging economies will shrink by 5%.

Market Recap 15th June

Let’s start off with a BANG!  The -0.3% growth in the March quarter prompts Josh Frydenberg to announce that  “Australia had entered its first recession in 29 years. As the ABS data below shows the March quarter’s negative figure, growth prediction for the June quarter isn’t looking positive.